Top 10 Ways to Shape up for Summer

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I know it’s only April, but before you know it, it will be June and we will all start panicking about summer fitness. Now would be a great time to get going on your fitness and health regimens if you haven’t already done so.

Not only is summer approaching but wedding season is drawing near. If you’re getting married, then we are sure you want to get ready for your big day, and if you’re attending those weddings, then we’re sure you want to show up looking your best.

So whatever the occasion, summer, weddings, a holiday you have planned – let us help you get ready and get fit. Here are our top 10 tips for getting healthy and getting in shape.

1. Find a partner


No matter what activity you are doing, it is almost always more enjoyable to have company, especially when you’re exercising. Also, if you have another person motivating you and pushing you, you are more likely to keep going. Having a gym buddy or a friend to go running with is great because when you don’t feel up to it, they will be that voice in your ear telling you to go, and you can be the same for them!

2. Juice juice juice


A lot of people like to do juice cleanses where they cut out all other foods and only have juice for certain amounts of time. Personally, I find it healthier and more sustainable to juice once or twice a day without cutting out all of your meals completely. Perhaps instead of having a big breakfast in the morning you could do a juice containing ingredients like, apple, kale, spinach, lemon, and carrots. These nutrients will get you pumped for the day and it is healthier than having a breakfast loaded with dairy or carbs. You can save those carbs for lunch or dinner.

3. Gym Membership


Sometimes gym memberships can be a bit pricey, which is why people opt for other free activities. If you can afford it, a gym membership is a great motivator to get fit and healthy. Not only will you feel like you are wasting your money if you don’t go, but the people you meet at the gym and the folks who work there are great motivation as well. Don’t be intimidated by gyms, everyone there is working towards the same goal – getting healthier.

4. Make a workout plan


If you plan your workouts, you know you have set goals to reach. For instance if you set out to exercise for one hour every day for 3 days – write it down and turn those goals into a workout plan. Workout plans are great because you follow your own rules and aim to meet your own goals. Personal trainers tend to set you on a path that they have created for you. Instead, why not create your own plan and follow your own path.

5. Take your vitamins


Though it is true that the best form of nutrients come from your daily dose of fruits, veggies and proteins – some vitamins we just simply dont get enough of. In the winter for example, it is very important to take Vitamin D. Vitamin D is primarily optimal in the summer as it comes from the sun so we all lack that vitamin during the long winter. For those that don’t have enough fish in their diet, it is also beneficial to take an omega 3 vitamin daily. There’s a long list of vitamins we should all be taking. It’s best to speak to your doctor and find out what you are lacking most.

6. Outdoor activities


For those who aren’t interested in exercising indoors and want to enjoy the fresh air, outdoor activities are the best way to stay fit and active. Jogging, swimming, and cycling are some great options when the weather permits. If you feel you aren’t healthy enough to undertake such activities, even simple outdoor chores like gardening and mowing the lawn are healthy exercises as well.

7. Herbal tea


You may have seen a lot of people on Instagram or Twitter posting about different teas that help you lose weight. It’s true that some of them are a bit of a scam, but there are healthy teas to drink instead of caffeine filled drinks, that will keep you going and also help you lose weight. Different herbal teas help your body in different ways. For instance green tea can boost your metabolism and peppermint tea helps you ward off your cravings and keep you from snacking.

8. YouTube workout videos


Social media is all around us, on our phones, on our laptops, and even on our TVs now. One way to take advantage of this and use it to benefit your fitness, is to try out YouTube workout videos. There are tons of these online and the best part is they are free. There are various fitness channels on YouTube that offer entire series of videos by great instructors like Jillian Michaels and Shaun T.

9. Get a good nights sleep


Getting a good night’s sleep is extremely important to being healthy. If you wake up and you have no energy, there is no way you are going to be interested in working out or juicing. You will go about your day being groggy, unhappy and eating whatever is convenient. Getting  6-9 hours of sleep is what we need according to the National Sleep Foundation. Go to bed early and you will be thankful the next day!

10. Plan your meals


Our lives can be so hectic that at the end of a long day, we are looking to eat the most convenient meals. This leads to fast food and unhealthy choices simply out of convenience. One way to overcome this would be plan your meals for the week. If you want to go a step further you could use one day on your weekend (Sunday) to cook a few meals for the week and freezing them. This way you have a fully cooked healthy meal waiting for you and all you have to do is heat it up when you get home.


Anything you can do to make yourself healthier, is a step in the right direction. It may be difficult to follow all of these tips but maybe we’ve helped you notice a couple. Here’s to good health!

By Nerissa Mohamed

Top 10 Tips for a Healthier Day at Work

Sometimes the work days can feel a bit long and strenuous. Whether you’re working in the warehouse, the office, or on the road – there are certain things we can all do to make our day more enjoyable and more healthy for our bodies and minds.

Here’s a list of some tips to make your day a little bit healthier…

1. Rest your eyes


Whether you’re driving or staring at a computer screen, it’s safe to say our eyes can get very sensitive doing this day in and day out. An important exercise is to rest your eyes from the glare of the sun and the glare of your computer screen at various times in the day. You can close your eyes to give them a rest, or you can simply look away from your screen, but it is very important to give your eyes a break.

2. Stretch it out


Sitting for long periods of time can be very taxing on your health. Though it is a comfortable position and it’s much easier than standing; sitting for long periods of time stops our circulation from being optimal.  It is important that we take short walks throughout the day or at least get up to stretch every half hour or so.

3. Get some fresh air


As the weather is getting warmer (finally), this is one we can all take part in and enjoy. Fresh air not only wakes us up, but it’s something we don’t necessarily get enough of, especially if we work indoors. Sunshine = Vitamin D.

4. Hydrate


We all tend to drink a lot of coffee and tea to get us through the day without falling asleep, however, water is something we could all benefit from drinking more of. Keep a refillable bottle at your desk and try to drink as much as possible. For everyone trying to slim down, drinking more water also keeps us full longer and keeps us from unhealthy snacking!



If you have a cluttered desk, chances are it’s not the most calming environment. Make sure to de-clutter your personal work area so you can feel calm in the midst of chaos. It doesn’t hurt to keep a stress reliever ball close by for emergency purposes.

6. Socialize


It’s always nice to have friends to chat with at work during lunch or during a break. A healthy social work environment can lead to higher productivity and a friendlier environment to work in only promotes positivity. Be nice to each other!

7.Healthy snacking


At work we tend to snack throughout the day. When you can’t find anything better, a lot of people will resort to the vending machine snacks or whatever junk food they can get their hands on. Why not think ahead and pack yourself a healthy snack like fruits, veggies, or trail mix. Something easy to snack on that you can have throughout the day. Your tummy and your scale will thank you later.

8. Personalize your space

Indoor garden -Vitra cheslea 2010

It’s always nice to feel at home in our work environment. A big part of that is surrounding yourself with things that make you feel comfortable. That could be pictures of your loved ones, plants, flowers, or just your favourite knick knacks. Be sure not to bring in too much stuff, we don’t want to clutter our freshly de-cluttered area either.

9. Disinfect your surroundings


Be sure to disinfect your desk area at least a couple times a week. Your keyboard and your mouse can especially collect germs quickly. If you’re on the road, be sure to sanitize your hands constantly as you are constantly in contact with other people. It is helpful to carry a travel sized hand sanitizer at all times to keep those germs away and to avoid spreading the cold.

10. Don’t forget to smile


It’s so important to enjoy what we do, especially when our jobs take up such a time consuming portion of our lives. It is important to find something in our daily tasks that we can enjoy. Something that makes us smile. Whether it’s getting people their shipments on time, or giving someone a compliment that they’re doing a good job. Let’s all try to smile more and try to make our co-workers smile too!

By Nerissa Mohamed